Between Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre


I have been officially jobless for a week. Had finished my major in medicine 2 months ago. Had taken my Oath of Hippocrates a month ago. Had taken the National Competence Examination week ago. All were done (for now, at least).

Since I didn’t have any job (yet), nothing to do in particular, and I started to get bored, I decided to read ALL my classic novels collection on my iPod Touch. In my imagination, I had this clear view that by the end of this week, I would end up being a classical novels bookworm. Literally. I was wrong.

These novels are quite hard to read or in proper term, hard to understand. I found myself reading Wuthering Heights in a snail speed. I almost decided to quit when I reached the page 250 but thanks to my huge pride I kept on reading it to the last page, to the very last word. Took three days. *sighed*

Well, Wuthering Heights was not one my favorite then. I understand the destructive love of Heathcliff to Catherine Earnshaw, yes. I get the whole picture about those who lived at Wuthering Height and Thuscross Grange. But, I could not enjoy myself much while reading it. I have to struggle while reading it. Emily Bronte’s style of writing wasn’t really my favourite. But still, it was a good read.

So, after I pull the confetti when I finished Wuthering Heights, I scrolled my novels collection. Up and down. Up again, down again, till a title sparkled in my eyes. *drumroll*

Jane Eyre.

Actually, I was rather pessimistic about this one at first. How could I not? I didn’t even know how to spell “Eyre” correctly. I had to Google-ed it.

So I opened the first page, took a deep breath, and started to read slowly. Word after word, my reading speed increase gradually and…zap! The world of dear Jane Eyre surrounded me, I was easily drawn to her emotion, her world, her anger , her anxiety, and her joy. I found myself smiled in delighted with her when she’s glad, and raged with her in anger.  And I started to love her the same way I love Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Gypsy, Ella, and every other character I love.

I discovered Jane Eyre  was a beautiful piece and Charlotte Bronte was a genius.

Now, at this hour, I have finished nearly half of the book, without struggle. *winked* I will share my review about that book later, in my next post (hopefully). I really hope you will love Jane Eyre as I do.

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